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Social Action - Tikkun Olam

Tikkun Olam is Hebrew for “repairing the world.”

At Congregation Beth Jacob, our vision of a successful synagogue is a diverse, integrated community that revolves around mitzvot, and where the congregants see themselves as partners in creating meaning and connection towards this goal.

CBJ is a vibrant, engaged community whose members are connected to the notion of Tikkun Olam in multiple and overlapping ways.

We coordinate projects throughout the year that bring together different ages and groups within the congregation. If you’re looking for ways to support the local community this year please join one of these efforts.

Volunteer Opportunities

Help CBJ's Adopted Refugee Family

CBJ has recently been matched with a refugee family to sponsor. Here is how you can help: a low-rent apartment is needed. The family is seeking asylum from the Putin regime in Russia. They are a lovely couple with two young children, eager to be productive citizens here. The asylum process and work permit may be granted in 6-9 months. They cannot work without the permit, as they will face deportation if caught. They are currently living in a LifeMoves shelter and need to find a low-rent apartment in or near Redwood City. Please contact Rabbi Ilana if you or someone you know can rent to them. Also, please consider donations to our CBJ Refugee Welcome Circle fund to subsidize rent for this family until they are allowed to support themselves.

Volunteer at LifeMoves Shelters

For over a decade our congregants have volunteered at local LifeMoves shelters for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. We've provided meals and organized donation drives for clothing and toiletries. This year we'll continue this tradition at the First Step for Families shelter in San Mateo.  And we're especially excited to begin cooking and serving meals at the new Navigation Center in Redwood City, which has a big, beautiful kitchen and dining room, as well as outdoor grills and picnic tables.  We need leaders and volunteers to make this happen!  Please contact Linda Leeb at for more info.

MLK Jr. Day of Service

Each year CBJ hosts dozens of volunteers from our congregation as well as other churches and synagogues to work on a community service project, such as book drives, assembling hygiene kits for low income students, and assembling care packages for homeless people. Right now we need one or two volunteers to help brainstorm the project and lead the planning of this event, which will be on January 15, 2024.  If you can help, please contact Linda Leeb at

Refugee Welcome Circle

CBJ congregants have formed a team to sponsor and resettle a refugee family here on the mid-Peninsula. This will be a great opportunity to help asylum seekers find refuge and make a home. While we wait to be matched with a family, we are calling for more volunteers who can help with the following:  

 • Finding affordable housing 
 • Finding employment opportunities 
 • Accompanying the family on errands and appointments 
 • Driving family members to appointments, errands, school, etc. 
 • Please contact if you can help or would like to learn more about joining our Welcome Circle. 

Faith in Action

Faith in Action Bay Area (FIABA) is a multi-racial, multi-lingual, and cross-class organization that is led by those most affected by injustice, such as low-income families and workers, immigrants, and people of color. CBJ members have been working with local FIABA community leaders and members of other churches and congregations for the past 3 years to push for change on the state and local level. Our current campaigns focus on stopping displacement of our lower income neighbors from their homes and fighting homelessness by pushing for stronger tenant protections. For more information, click HERE.  Also, contact Linda Leeb or Nancy Nagel at if you'd like to know more.


High Holidays - Food Drive

Bringing Hope and Nourishment to Those in Need 

One purpose of our fast is to create empathy with those who suffer from hunger and food insecurity. As part of our commitment to Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) and embodying the spirit of compassion and generosity during the High Holidays, we are holding our annual High Holiday food drive. Please bring the equivalent of what you would have eaten during the day (and a little bit more) and donate it to our food drive. Look for clearly marked barrels placed around the synagogue. Congregants and visitors can place their food donations in these barrels at any time during the High Holidays. For more information, Click HERE

Food and Diapers collected for local families in need.


CBJ teens preparing sandwiches for Maple Street Shelter.

Thu, September 19 2024 16 Elul 5784