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Hostage Stories and Inspiration 

02/10/2025 12:27:43 PM


Rabbi Ezray

I have often taught and spoken about life being a synthesis of contrasting truths and/or emotions. Wisdom and well-bring come as we  try to hold onto every piece of the contrast.  Sometimes this is hard to do.  These past weeks I have found the intensity of those contrasts truths connected to hostages and hostage release to be challenging to hold.  One...Read more...

Shmot – Responding to Challenging Times with Hineni 

01/18/2025 12:08:06 PM


Rabbi Ezray

I love our beautiful sanctuary.  It is majestic and fills me with awe. And as much as I love its beauty, inspiration and grandeur – my favorite space in the synagogue is the ark in the chapel.  The doors are abstract art depicting both the burning bush that was not consumed and the mountain where we received Torah.  There are empty spaces in the lattice work revealing hints of the mystery and glimpses of holy Torahs inside...Read more...

From Zero-Sum to Blessing

12/10/2024 11:32:10 AM


Rabbi Ilana Goldhaber-Gordon

Our bar-mitzvah, Oliver, said the most generous things about his brother Noah.

Having known many 13-year-olds with younger siblings, this is very unusual. Oliver, I wish I could have been that gracious to my little sister when I was your age. Today, my sister is my best friend. And she is very smart, and very kind - but I never could have brought myself to say that back then. Certainly not publicly. 


Chanukah - Women Heroes

12/07/2024 12:33:28 PM


Rabbi Nat Ezray

Chanukkah is in 20 days.  It is time to get ready – not in terms of gifts – but how to make it a holiday of meaning. Sit with that.  Make every night a time to reflect and act on the meaning – courage, standing up for your identity, the few against the many, bringing light.

So let me share  an esoteric Chanukkah custom:  When the candles are...Read more...

Bereshit - Beginning Anew

11/11/2024 09:26:14 AM


Rabbi Nat Ezray

Bereshit - Beginning Anew

I confess to having been at a bit of a loss as I thought about Simchat Torah, which we celebrated on Thursday night and Friday.  I knew that the emotions of the October 7 attack being launched on Simchat Torah and Shabbat last year would be part of the day.  Often on anniversaries, you relive some of the pain, loss, sadness, anger and...Read more...

Yizkor – My and Our Grief

10/30/2024 04:24:52 PM


Rabbi Nat Ezray

Yizkor – My and Our Grief

This has been a hard year – between all the loss in the Middle East and personal loss – it has felt like too much at times.  As many of you know, this is my first Yizkor since my mother died in July.  I have led Yizkor for so many years here and this is my first time when I am an official mourner.  I feel sad and...Read more...

Yom Kippur 5785 – Emerging from the Whale’s Belly

10/30/2024 04:23:45 PM


Rabbi Nat Ezray

Yom Kippur 5785 – Emerging from the Whale’s Belly

I felt a connection with the prophet Jonah in a way I never have before this year.  Jonah provides a window a window to my soul and experience in the past year – reminding me who I am and who I might be. As I teach about him, I think you too will find pieces of yourself.  Jonah is us.


Rosh Hashana 5785 –The Need for Peoplehood

10/30/2024 04:21:25 PM


Rabbi Nat Ezray

Rosh Hashana 5785 –The Need for Peoplehood

This traumatic impact of this year is real and ongoing: war, loss, antisemitism, allies disappearing, deepening polarization, our children feeling unsafe. Our worldviews have been upended.  There is so much stirring – yet one truth towers above everything.  We are a people – Am Yisrael.  Since October 7,...Read more...

Yizkor - The Time That Is Given Us

10/26/2024 07:52:08 PM


Rabbi Ilana Goldhaber-Gordon

My family and I spent a few days at Lake Tahoe over Labor Day weekend. I intended to detach from the news for that short time, and so I did not see the headlines announcing that six hostages had been murdered. I learned via a text message from my husband, who had driven up separately from me. Hersh and the beautiful 6 - gone. I was stunned. I think we were all stunned. Up there in Tahoe, we sat and rewatched Rachel...Read more...

Kol Nidre - Forgiveness

10/16/2024 04:26:47 PM


Rabbi Ilana Goldhaber-Gordon

My family is still in shloshim, the thirty-day period of mourning. My father-in-law died 17 days ago. His name was Fred Goldhaber.   Of course in the two weeks since his death, there has been a lot of reminiscing. One theme kept emerging - Fred never spoke badly of anyone. He wasn’t a pushover. I can remember very clearly, at various times, his standing up for himself, or for his family. But he did not take people’s bad behavior...Read more...

Rosh Hashanah Day 2 - War Sirens

10/16/2024 04:24:31 PM


Rabbi Ilana Goldhaber-Gordon

When I was 18 years old, I got to spend a gap year in Jerusalem, studying at an Orthodox women’s yeshiva. It was 1990, the year Sadam Hussein invaded Kuwait.    In January, the United States led a coalition of 42 countries invading Iraq. It was a devastating war for everyone on the ground.    In the midst of that violence, Saddam began lobbing missiles at Israel. Israel had nothing to do with the conflict, was not part...Read more...

Re'eh - The Power of Hope

10/16/2024 04:19:56 PM


Rabbi Ilana Goldhaber-Gordon

At the end of a big Jewish community event last fall - the Z3 conference - all of us community rabbis were invited up on the stage to lead the singing of Hatikvah, Israel’s national anthem. 

Hatikvah, as many of you know, means “the hope”. The song describes the two thousand year-old hope of the Jewish people, that someday we would return to our homeland. 

עוד לא אבדה...

Sun, February 16 2025 18 Shevat 5785