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From Am Yisrael Task Force

In August, the CBJ Board formed a committee—Alan Fisher (chair), Rabbi Ilana Goldhaber-Gordon, Josh Lipp, and Adam Taub—to explore adopting a definition of antisemitism. After extensive review, the committee recommended the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism.

The IHRA Definition aims to guide CBJ in addressing antisemitism externally, support community members facing antisemitism, and educate about modern forms of it. It does not limit internal dialogue, encouraging respectful discussions even if congregants disagree with aspects of the Definition. On December 16, 2024, the CBJ Board officially adopted the Definition, including contemporary examples of antisemitism. Learn more here: IHRA Definition.

Why Adopt the IHRA Definition

Antisemitism has surged, particularly since October 7, 2023, affecting CBJ members in schools, campuses, and public settings. The IHRA Definition equips CBJ to better address these challenges, complementing efforts like the Am Yisrael Task Force. By joining other adopters of the Definition, CBJ contributes to a unified approach to combating antisemitism.

Role of the Definition

Adopting the IHRA Definition enhances CBJ’s role as a resource for confronting antisemitism, supporting victims, and fostering internal and external dialogue. It serves as a valuable tool for parents addressing school-related incidents, informs interactions with local leaders, and supports educational programs. 

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Sun, February 16 2025 18 Shevat 5785